Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The Teacher an Instrument of Power


  1. Teachers have power to build healthy future adults. I think about teachers who have given me the tools to survive and thrive in the world. Teachers who have influenced my point of views about life.Teachers who made it possible to make me believe that I can change the world.
    My fourth grade teacher, Mrs. Handwacker from St. Malachy School was the first teacher who treated all of us equally. She was so lively and so giving. She sat among us and always faltered us on our strenghts. She would always use neutral words and encourage us to share our lives with her. She was very strict and very respected. No one ever dared to be rude or disrespectful. She fostered good citizenships skills and teamwork.
    Teachers should always be aware of the power they have over the tiny lives before there eyes. I always reflect on how Mrs. Handwacker the only teacher in my 6 years of elementary school gave me the tools to become a teacher at such a young age. I wonder if she is still alive. As a child you never think about who thank for.
    In high school I was in Ecuador, and the only teachers who really believed in me were the PE teachers and trainers. Mr. Holguin my chemistry teacher was a very strict, demanding and respectful man who taught us to fight for our rights. Aside from being our teacher he was also our 10th grade tutor, he defended us from the teachers who were incompetent.
    Today I think about my passion for teaching and all the mistakes I made and how I have grown out of being a traditional teacher to becoming an innovative educator.

  2. Throughout our lives we have had a number of teachers who in one way or another have taught us some things that can only be learned in school. We've all had the chance to meet some professors whose work did not ended when closing a book but their comments and teachings became a guide in our life, often without realizing their classes became lessons and philosophy to reach the success, both personally and as a student. There are teachers that we remember with a great level of gratitude and affection because of their words of encouragement and even reprimands that still bring out the best of us.
    Sometimes it is very difficult for a student to create a connection with one or more of their teachers as many teachers today do not realize about the importance of the attitude in the life of each of their students. Some educators believe that teaching refers only to standing on in front of a group of children and talk for hours, keep them seated as long as possible and go on for days, but the true master recognizes its role as a crucial and decisive element in learning and in the decisions that the students make. To the watchful eyes of our children we play the role of superheroes and our powers are the words and actions we apply to approach to them. It is in us that rest the power that they could perceive the school as a place of joy and overcoming where each student is encouraged to think and speak freely. The teacher is able to make a student, from his earliest days, loves school and wants to attend every day.
