Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Comprehensible Input

1 comment:

  1. Get to know our students is the best way to learn what is meaningful to their development. There are thousands of concepts and subjects that they and we should learn but more important is the way we teach, here comes in the fact that not all students learn in the same way and the more tools we use to transmit messages greater it’s the reception and implementation of it. This is not to say that what you we teach is not important as how we do it, on the contrary, both precepts are connected.
    We can stand in front of our students and repeat concepts, phrases and words over and over with the same monotony and disinterest and at the end of the year we will have a group of robots that respond when hearing the same order but if instead we look to our students and pay attention to their socialization and development in the classroom we´ll get a useful idea of which is the best way to teach. We can show them flashcard after flashcard and they will recognize and mention those but if we add the use of their own skills mixed with our creativity, our children will surely identify these concepts not only inside the classroom but also in any situation or place where they are.
    It is clear that students are now more playful and prefer to manipulate the objects by using their five senses rather than just watch them in a drawing. The younger ones remembered most a concept when they made a craft about it. It's more fun and meaningful learning when moving, interacting and even making a mess than being paralyzed in a chair having in front a repeating machine.
