Tuesday, May 8, 2012

NCLB and Effects of Standardized Tests

1 comment:

  1. United States was evaluating their educational role in the life of the citizens and came up with a revolutionary idea based on a program called No Child Left Behind. This program attends to use curriculum standards for assessing student’s development to check their real improvement especially in rural areas. They tried to answer the question Can a child read?, if they did, it meant the system was popping up with good results. In those schools they tried to focus on Reading and Mathematics, we, in our society with the type of education we have if we focus only in those subjects, we won´t be totally able to generate children and young students capable of resist and progress because of the constantly changing country. It does not mean we can´t use this type of approach, in fact we definitely have to settle the goal of No Children Left Behind, only that we have to consider it according to our environment; for example the emphasize the importance of keeping students inside the classrooms and taking them away from drugs, alcohol and, distractions, the discipline and self-recognition as a citizen must be on top of their lives. That is an idea we need to position in the minds of our students. We can help our children to reach high standards, therefore we´ll have quality not only in the classroom but wherever they go.
